News — qmap

Peplum: Free/Open-Source super-computing at home

Peplum: Free/Open-Source super-computing at home

Hello all, It's been very busy here at Ecsypno skunkworks these last few days when it comes to research and development into distributed computing systems. Armed with Cuboid, Qmap was built, which tackled the handling of nmap in a distributed environment, with great results. Afterwards, an iterative clean-up process led to a template of sorts, for scheduling most applications in such environments. With that, Peplum was born, which allows for OS applications, Ruby code and C/C++/Rust code (via Ruby extensions) to be distributed across machines and tackle the processing of neatly grouped objects. In essence, Peplum: Is a distributed computing...

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Tasos Laskos
Qmap:  A F/OSS distributed network mapper/security scanner.

Qmap: A F/OSS distributed network mapper/security scanner.

Hello all, I'd like to announce the beginning of a new F/OSS project, called Qmap. Qmap is a distributed network mapper/security scanner based on nmap, with backing from Cuboid for its distributed features. The way Qmap currently works is as follows: A ping scan is performed on the given IP range(s). Live hosts are identified. Hosts are split into groups. Different Grid Instances scan each group in parallel. By being supported by Cuboid, Qmap boasts RPC and REST APIs, so integration is dead simple. As you can see, Ecsypno has started to delve into network security waters as well, eventually...

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