News — integration

Incremental scans for Codename SCNR v1.5 and Codename RKN 1.4

Hello all, Codename SCNR v1.5 and Codename RKN 1.4 have just been released, both now with support for incremental scans. This means that a scan session is maintained and the following workflow is now possible: Run initial/seed scan. Store its session in a file. Run a re-scan, auditing only newly introduced input vectors, i.e. continuing a previous session. Store its session in a file. And so on and so forth. This has the massive advantage of re-scans being immensely quick, as they will only concern themselves with newly introduced input vectors, rather than being full dumb scans again and again....

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IAST/Contextual scanning for Ruby-on-Rails (and Rack in general)

Hello all,   Some time ago I announced the arrival of IAST scanning for Rack-based (such as Ruby-on-Rails, Sinatra, etc.) web applications. The feature is now here and I'd like to demo it for you. We have our application, in this case a Sinatra one, and it goes like: As you can see, scnr/introspector has been required and made use of. Now we run a scan with no additional options or configuration: ./bin/scnr http://localhost:4567/ [...] [+] Web Application Security Report - SCNR::Engine Framework [~] Report generated on: 2024-01-08 09:59:13 +0200 [+] System settings: [~] --------------- [~] Version:           1.0dev [~] Seed:...

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